Are the bail amounts different throughout California?
Are There Actual Studies About What Happens when a Person is Released on his Own Recognizance Versus When a Person is Released on Bail?
Do bail bonding agencies always charge 10%?
This site was designed to help people that need to retain the services of Bail Bond Companies. The content within this site is in response to questions we have been asked about bail bonds over the past 22 years. Many of the questions within the site were sent to us by email or through phone and were answered the best way we knew how. The answers are very general and vague for purposes of trying to answer questions on a general basis. Most question and inquiries we receive from people are about the same few topics.
For help in the Orange County area, please visit They are centrally located in Santa Ana, so a bondsman can assist you with in minutes regardless of where you are.
This site is for pure informational purposes and should not be used as legal advice or guidance. For Bail Bond advice or specific bail bond Information you should contact a local California Bail Bond Agency near you. They may be found in the local Yellow Pages or the Internet.
Please use our submit form for questions and comments we will attempt to respond as soon as possible.
Why do people have to post bail?
Who needs a bail bondsman?